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Mobile Vendor Insurance

We cover individual US-based merchants selling their wares or services in temporary spaces, like at fairs, festivals, farmers’ markets, trade shows, special events, conventions, etc. Think artisan crafters, concessionaires, fair/festival vendors, food stands, food trucks, mall kiosks, mobile pop-up shops, permanent jewelry vendors, and more: these are typical insureds under SIA's Vendors Insurance program. 

Our policy provides protection against bodily injury to a customer/guest or property damage to a premises you occupy. This policy insures your business, including employees and volunteer workers. It does not cover independent contractors (1099s) that you hire to work for you. 

Please note there is no coverage for causing property damage or bodily injury to another Vendors of the US insured, as you would both be insured under the same policy.

Insureds must be a US resident with a US mailing address to be eligible for coverage under this policy, and the premium must be paid in US dollars.

Apply for a Policy

Renewing Coverage

Approximately six weeks prior to your expiration, we will mail you an invoice. The information on the invoice is produced from the file that we have created for you, from the information that you have provided. Please review the invoice for any information that has changed and advise us as to what has changed. You can write your changes on the invoice and mail it to us, or call into the office and we will make the changes over the phone.

To renew your coverage you can mail in the invoice with your check or money order, or you can pay online with your credit card. There is a 3.25% service fee for paying with a credit card. Please note that we do not accept debit card payments at this time. You can avoid this fee by mailing the invoice back with your check or money order. Read our Renewal Newsletter for policies beginning June 1, 2024 and after.


Our goal at Specialty Insurance Agency is to provide affordable insurance to our members.

Our insurance premiums are primarily calculated using two metrics: the number of members in a group, along with the amount paid out in claims the prior five years. In order to keep our premium costs low, claim reduction is key - but so is having a large enough group that our underwriter’s risk analysis is accurate.

Base Policy Coverage Provided

Commercial General Liability with Additional Insured Endorsement, Waiver of Subrogation, and Primary Non-Contributory Endorsement – coverage that protects the insured against liability claims for bodily injury and property damage arising out of their operations.

Legal Liability to Audience Participants – coverage that offers protection against bodily injury liability claims brought by persons participating in covered activities.

Medical Payment for Audience Participants – coverage that pays the medical and dental expenses incurred by a participant when an accidental injury occurs while participating in the insured’s covered activities. The coverage is provided on a primary basis.

Coverage Limits & Pricing

Commercial General Liability Coverage Option 1 Limits Information
Each Occurrence $1,000,000 bodily injury & property damage to others
General Aggregate $2,000,000 the most the policy will pay
Products-Completed Operations Aggregate $2,000,000 the most the policy will pay
Fire Legal Liability Damage to Rental Premises $300,000 the rented premises
Personal & Advertising Injury $1,000,000 slander, libel, hurting someone's feelings
Medical Expenses to Others $5,000 emergency medical for others
Deductible Zero  
Premium Cost (through 5/31/25) Option 1 Limits
*Most Vendors Annual Coverage $410.00
Add on NYC + 5 Boroughs Coverage +$150.00
*10-days or less Single Event/Show Coverage $182.00
10-days or less Single Event/Show Coverage in NYC or 5 Boroughs $282.00
*For policies beginning 6/1/24 or after, there is no coverage in New York City or the 5 boroughs (The Bronx, Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Staten Island) unless the coverage extension is purchased.

Read this important information about the mobile vendor policies we offer.

All SIA policies are non-refundable after coverage begins.

This is a 100-percent earned premium policy and no refunds are given once coverage begins. This rule was put in place by our underwriter, not our agency. 100-percent earned premium policies are common in Commercial General Liability (CGL) policies, especially those with low premiums like ours. This is because there's a possibility of a high claim payout with CGL policies, and by law our underwriter needs to ensure that there are enough premiums in the bank to pay these possible claims. Even if you were only covered for one day, a $1M+ claim could be filed for that day - sometimes even years later.

You can cancel your policy prior to coverage starting for a refund. An administrative fee of $10 for single-event coverage or $20 for annual policies will be deducted from your refund. Please note that any credit card processing fees are non-refundable.