From a magician's assistant to a fire safety, we're here to help define what an assistant least when it comes to your SIA Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy!
The duties of the entertainer's assistant(s) can be as follows: Works with the insured for set-up and tear down, helps with the planning and organization of a show or booking, works with contracts, coordinates permits and requesting additional insured certificates, handles prop changes during the show, assists with crowd control, is a staged spectator that is called upon to assist with an act, acts as a safety coordinator, etc. The key to this coverage: An assistant is low risk personnel that would not stop the show from going on if they were not there.
SIA performers have the option to add an assistant on to their policy for an additional $95 per person. the assistants are not named individuals on your policy so they can change from gig to gig! This option is available per policy period and you can add an assistant at any time, but the coverage will end on your CGL policy expiration date.
If you have any questions about the assistant policy, please contact our team by emailing or give us a call at 715-246-8908.